The Palestinian Museum permanent collection

Amended Resolutions II

Laila Shawa's photographic canvases, from which the lithograph series is inspired, are a testimony to the walls of Gaza during the last phase of the First Intifada. The series Walls of Gaza expresses the intimacy of the place and the transformation of the built environment that changed on a daily basis during that period. The walls became the surface on which the directions were announced because, during the Intifada, normal time was suspended, and each day was structured around strikes, confrontations, and commemorations.

Facts on the ground, OI#17241

Bob Gramsma’s installations and sculptural interventions are concerned with finding spatiality in nature and the outdoors, often taking the form of monumental sculptures that are forms of holes excavated from the earth. His interventions are both coincidental and concise as he rearranges existing elements in nature or introduces foreign materials to a natural environment, searching for form. Facts on the ground, OI#17241 is a site-specific earthwork made from negative space. The artist has created a mound and then dug into it, only to fill it with concrete, making a cast of the cavity.

Gates Within Gates

Laila Shawa's photographic canvases, from which the lithograph series is inspired, are a testimony to the walls of Gaza during the last phase of the First Intifada. The series Walls of Gaza expresses the intimacy of the place and the transformation of the built environment that changed on a daily basis during that period. The walls became the surface on which the directions were announced because, during the Intifada, normal time was suspended, and each day was structured around strikes, confrontations, and commemorations.

God Bless

Inass Yassin’s multifaceted practice focuses on themes rooted in her personal experience. She examines modernity in the Arab mind through the disappearance of social and cultural networks, exploring this through photography, film and installation, and interrogating the material and immaterial causes of the dissipation of the Arab cultural renaissance. The transformation of spaces and urban gentrification in Ramallah and neighbouring cities such as Beirut and Amman have also been a focus. Yassin’s large-scale paintings, in acrylics and oils, are visceral and immediately felt.

Passages to Freedom

Laila Shawa's photographic canvases, from which the lithograph series is inspired, are a testimony to the walls of Gaza during the last phase of the First Intifada. The series Walls of Gaza expresses the intimacy of the place and the transformation of the built environment that changed on a daily basis during that period. The walls became the surface on which the directions were announced because, during the Intifada, normal time was suspended, and each day was structured around strikes, confrontations, and commemorations.

And Then The Birds Flew Over

Maria Thereza Alves’s research-based work unearths silenced histories from different localities. Her relational site-specific projects respond to the immediate physical and social environment and aim to create spaces of agency and visibility for the oppressed. She mostly focuses on interventions in land and empowers a language for organic growth in opposition to the regimented and controlled.

Coke it is'

Laila Shawa's photographic canvases, from which the lithograph series is inspired, are a testimony to the walls of Gaza during the last phase of the First Intifada. The series Walls of Gaza expresses the intimacy of the place and the transformation of the built environment that changed on a daily basis during that period. The walls became the surface on which the directions were announced because, during the Intifada, normal time was suspended, and each day was structured around strikes, confrontations, and commemorations.