The Palestinian Museum permanent collection


A traditional silver necklace, adorned with 28 Ottoman and Austrian coins, and ending with a silver chain with a clasp. This necklace was worn throughout several regions of Palestine.

Haydari bracelet

A handcrafted bracelet of pure silver, clasp-less and with eye-like protrusions, worn to indicate that the woman wearing it was breastfeeding. The bracelet has the trademark precision of Jerusalemite silversmith Khalil Salman, and bears his seal, 'Khalil.' His workshop was located in Jerusalem near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. His sons still retain the moulds used, which date back to the early years of the British mandate.

Amber necklace

A necklace of yellow amber (sea amber), consisting of five amber beads separated by silver spheres. The necklace ends with a silver chain and clasp and is specific to the region of southern Palestine.


A silver pendant used as an amulet, engraved with 'Mashallah' or 'As God Wills' (used to invoke protection) from which five spheres (bells) hang.

Braided Egyptian bracelet

A broad handcrafted bracelet of high-calibre silver consisting of five parts, including two unengraved edges and three braided middle sections, two thin and one thick. The bracelet bears a stamp that determines the quality of silver. It was widespread in the Naqab desert, and its design was influenced by European bracelets


A broad silver bracelet, decorated and engraved in the centre with a row of roses. It is clasp-less and has an open back that resembles teeth.