The Naqab Bedouins: A Century of Politics and Resistance
Author Mansour Nasasra, PhD
Facilitated by Marah Khalifeh
Wednesday, 28 October | 17:30–18:30
Language: Arabic
Place: Zoom
Link: https://zoom.us/j/91045734939?pwd=N2c3cEdtdFRKR2RTbjBpUzhWL01iZz09
The Naqab Bedouins: A Century of Politics and Resistance (Columbia Press, New York) is a thorough critical study and an archival chronicle that presents a historical, political and economic perspective on the Arabs of al-Naqab and Bir al-Sabi’. The book launch event follows a 2019 symposium organised by the Palestinian Museum, titled ‘Urban Planning and Settlements: Al-Naqab as a Model’.