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Book Launch at the Palestinian Museum

On 25 August 2019, the Palestinian Museum hosted the launch of Armenian-American researcher Sato Moughalian’s book Feast of Ashes: The Life and Art of David Ohannessian. The book explores the life and art of the author’s grandfather, David Ohannessian, who owned and ran Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock Tiles workshop in Palestine from 1919 until 1948.
The History of Armenian Artisanal Ceramics in Jerusalem

The Palestinian Museum organised a tour and exploration of the history of Jerusalem through the Armenian artisanal ceramics that adorn its landmarks, houses, and alleys. The two-hour tour took place on 26 August 2019 and was led by historian and tour guide George Hintlian. It began with the 18th century and the roots of this artform in the city… read more
Live Audio-visual Performance by Dirar Kalash

On 6 August 2019, Dirar Kalash presented an audio-visual performance titled Chronicles of a Single Day. Time: Beirut, Place: a Day in August 1982. The act is an audio-visual interpretation of poet Mahmoud Darwish’s prose A Memory for Forgetfulness, in which the author vividly relates an account of a day amid the Israeli invasion and siege of… read more

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