As we continue to record interviews with Palestinians from all walks of life for the museum’s opening exhibition, “Never-part”, we are constantly reminded of the volume of stories that deserve to be heard and brought to light. These stories reflect who these people are, and their memories are an indispensible part of the story of our nation as a whole.
The Family Album
Your Pictures, Your Memory, Our History
The project seeks to present the intimate side of history in Palestine by unearthing the photographic treasures hidden away in so many Palestinian homes.
Timeframe/Location: This project is ongoing and targets Palestinian families both in Palestine and in the diaspora.
Process: Interviews are being held with the owners to contextualise the images before they are digitised and stored in an archive, which will eventually act as a collective visual representation of this intimate side of life, history, culture and society in Palestine.
Participate: If you have old photos that are connected to Palestine, and would like to participate in this project please contact us on info@palmuseum.org or by calling (+972-2-2974947)
Open Portal: During the next few months, the Museum will launch an open portal where pictures collected during the project will be made available to the public for the first time. The pictures will be of high value for researchers and can also be used for educational purposes.