“Collage Lab: A Map from Scratch”


This workshop was conducted via video conference between the Palestinian Museum and the A.M. Qattan Foundation’s Child Centre in Gaza

28/10/2017: This family workshop was inspired by the seminal work of Grassroots Jerusalem, one of the partner institutions in the Jerusalem Lives exhibition, on taking agency into our own hands, imagining and mapping our own city, Jerusalem. The 89 participating children, youngsters, and parents worked together with the guidance of the professional graphic artist specialised in illustrating children’s books, Lubna Taha, and the Gazan artist Salman al-Nawati, to rethink their perceptions of the city of Jerusalem, and the neoliberal colonial and imperial challenges the city faces. Then the participants, as persons striving to confront the challenges facing the city, designed a map for Jerusalem as they imagined it becoming 10 years from now. They did this through collaging different media, using various methods to paste together all the parts. The outcomes of the workshop will be uploaded onto the Museum’s website so that the public can see and engage with the results.