Museum from home

Welcome to this space that allows you to enjoy learning and museum experiences and delve into our rich research outputs, all from the comfort of your own home! Join us wherever you are; from home while spending time with children and family, from the park with your friends, or even from your workplace, and enjoy virtual tours of our past exhibitions and the museum's permanent collection.

Online exhibitions


Call to Action
Hosted by Rand Khdair
Produced by Mahmoud Khawaja
Monday, 31 August | 18:30–18:45
Place: Palestinian Museum social media platforms

This episode premiere of the Palestinian Museum podcast takes us back to the days of the first Intifada in Jerusalem. We will walk stealthily with the people who secretly distributed flyers and Intifada communiqués in the city at night.

Featured guests:
Naila Odeh, Wisam Rafidi, Najiah Quraan and Raed Fares

Call to Action
Hosted by Rand Khdair
Produced by Mahmoud Khawaja
Monday, 31 August | 18:30–18:45
Place: Palestinian Museum social media platforms

This episode premiere of the Palestinian Museum podcast takes us back to the days of the first Intifada in Jerusalem. We will walk stealthily with the people who secretly distributed flyers and Intifada communiqués in the city at night.

Featured guests:
Naila Odeh, Wisam Rafidi, Najiah Quraan and Raed Fares

This episode sheds light on the experience of Palestinians who managed to return after being expelled by Zionist gangs. Between 1949 and 1952, they managed to return to their country but were considered “infiltrators”; still, there they remained, especially in the Galilee.
In partnership with Sowt
Preparation and research: Marah Khalifeh and Haneen Saleh

Stories from Palestine

Popular protection during the First Intifada
IX. The First Intifada And The Beginning Of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations
The struggle of Palestinian women in the 1920s and 1930s
II. Early Mandate Period
Resistance art during the First Intifada
IX. The First Intifada And The Beginning Of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations



Exhibition guides
Language: English and Arabic
Educational resources and guides
Language: Arabic
Educational resources and guides
Language: Arabic
Educational resources and guides
Language: Arabic
A People by the Sea: Narratives from the Palestinian Coast
Exhibitions catalogues
Language: Arabic
Educational resources and guides
Language: Arabic